The Glorious Days

Comics, 33 pages
Published in La Revue Dessinée N°29
Septembre 2020

with Isabelle Dautresme

“ The health care system isn’t anything else but the right to live.” 70 years later, its partisans still claim and reclaim it. Through the COVID epidemic, while the government seemed to discover the role of a system of solidarity, this leg is more vivid than ever...and fragile. The “glorious days” refers to the program of the National Council of the Resistance, which originated the French Social Health Care. In the French president’s mouth during lockdown, the reference to the glorious days didn’t let the strikers of “health and retirement rights for all” even. Flash back on these events.

Alizée De Pin

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Books and illustrations

Alizée De Pin is a French illustrator and author, based in Paris. Graduaded from a Master Degree in Visual Arts and a Master Degree in Graphic Design, Alizée draws illustrations, comics, and design her books and publications. 

Through collaborations with scientifics, researchers and upon detailed documentation, she translates environmental and political messages into graphic informations and narratives.