Aldo Leopold’s “Land Ethic”

A3 poster
September 2020


“Solitude, the one natural resource still undowered of alphabets, is so far recognized as valuable only by ornithologists and cranes.”
In 1949, Aldo Leopold publishes “the land ethic” among other texts in a book entitled “A sandy county almanac”. His conception of the relationships of the human community in regard and depend of the environnement are laid out with great simplicity and credibility. Could this be part of our constitutions and legal text concerning our human rights and environmental politics?

Alizée De Pin

alizeedepin {@}
Books and illustrations

Alizée De Pin is a French illustrator and author, based in Paris. Graduaded from a Master Degree in Visual Arts and a Master Degree in Graphic Design, Alizée draws illustrations, comics, and design her books and publications. 

Through collaborations with scientifics, researchers and upon detailed documentation, she translates environmental and political messages into graphic informations and narratives.